As I referenced it in the the Al Moller tribute below here is a little more from that day.
The lowering was the peak of the daytime action, looking NW from South Bryce TX
In attendance were Tim Marshall, Carson Eads, Sam Barricklow, Bill Lende/Ruby Williamson, an NBC News crew, and Dallas Morning News reporter Bill Marvel – and that’s all. On the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend in a TOR Watch Box in the TX Panhandle. That was it.
Oh, and Stormtrack Assistant Editor Rich Herzog drove up at one point in the middle of nowhere. These days it would be a very different scene, with many, many more chasers out and about!
A Ruby Williamson shot of us with this scene made it as a Stormtrack cover page photo the next year and this day became the focus of the Dallas Morning News feature on chasers. Sam Barricklow also has a write-up and images from that chase.
In retrospect, this T-genesis failure was possibly due to a weak or cool (i.e. stable) RFD, and can’t recall if it ever even reached us at our location.