This was easily one of the top five concerts I have ever attended! Jam packed Air Canada Centre was taken for one hell of a musical ride covering all of Paul’s muscial career, from Early Beatles through Wing classics to his current material.
I had seen Paul in 1994 and he was good, but the band he has had together since the early 2000’s takes this to a whole other plain. Great passionate players that push Paul into playing his best and the sum of the parts is pure magic.
Click on each image for a larger view (when doen click anywhere outside the image to return to the blog).
As a guitarist I LOVE how Paul still uses his old iconic instruments – like his orginal Beatle bass! Kicked off with Venus and Mars/Rock Show and then Jet:

Wardrobe here was Beatle-esque too:

Here using the recent “People” Les Paul (covered in cartoon images of people):

he was into it early on:

The Long and Winding Road:

Back on he Paul:


and he realized at the end that he had revered the veresed – we didn’t care!!

On the Mandoolin for the new song “Dance Tonight”:

With George Harrison’s Ukulele for a touching rendition of Harrison’s “Something”

Paul then brought out his Epiphone Casino – the one from the Beatles days:

Back to the orginal Hofner Beatle Bass:

The Hits just kept rolling out – Paperback Writer:

Let it Be:

and Day Tripper:

Drummer Abe Laboriel Jr. and Guitarist/Bassist Brian Ray:

The sound was terriffic on teh floor at the ACC!

Yesterday, using the old Epiphone Texan he used to write it with back in 1964…

…was amazing!

Long standing tradition is that Paul plays Mull of Kintyre in Canada and is always accompanied by a local Pipe Band:

In this case the Paris/Port Dover Pipe Band:


What a thris for the band members:

Especially when Paul interacts directly!

Paul, Brian and guitarist Rusty Anderson kicking it out:

You could tell how much Paul loves this band:

Great vocals from all – Abe the drummer came down front to do background vocals on “Elanor Rigby”.

Rocking out Helter Skelter:

Everyone was so tight.

Abe literally and figuratively is a MONSTER on the drum kit!!!

A great mix of a John Bonham pounder with the finess of a Stewart Copeland:

Fans were so into this show from beginning to end!

Of course Paul brought his original Sunburst Les Paul. Some quick math: only 1200 Sunburst Les Pauls were mad between 1958 and 1960 and those in good shape today will often go for $250,000. There were only FOUR left-handed versions made during that time (this is one of them, John McEnrow has aonther) and is owned my Paul McCartney… value? Pricelsss!!

Locked in the pocket:

And pushing great soloing out of each other:

Pretty good player for a 68 year old!

A fantastic show! Highly recommended if you get a chance – he seems to play a handfull of shows each year .