After spending the day trying my hand at photographing at PGA event (images to follow), I was stoked to have the possibility to also get some after-dark structure and lightning images on a strong QLCS (quasi linear convective system) that had formed in central Lower MI, out ahead of a cold front. And it was heading SE towards me!
This system was characterized by strong moisture advection and had dewpoints in the low 70’s out ahead of the storms! The advection continued as the cells/line moved SE, and we saw dewpoints rise from AOA 64F five hours before the event here in London, to 73F as measured on my Kestral, as the storms arrived.
Unfortunately the cells had weakened substantially when they arrived in SW ON, as they had moved into a region of lower CAPE (i.e. instability) in spite of the increased low-level moisture, and were outflow dominant.
None-the-less, I was able to get a couple of OK CG images (all crops), like this one..
and this one:
…along with one I was really happy with:
A great way to finish up a full day of photography!