Scouted out a nice high spot to catch the Harvest Moon Rise on the Perigee. Was also planed to shoot the Syzygy (Lunar Eclipse), but that, unfortunately, was clouded out. I did get some really nice consolation prizes – and they pretty much speak for themselves. All shot on the Canon 6D and the Tamron 150-600 mm, and these are presented with minimal processing (a little unmask, and some tonal adjustment – no saturation added).
The general scene looking SE before Moonrise.
At 600mm, 1/500s:
Creative vertical crop:
Of course, at this low elevation the atmosphere creates some distortion, but I like the vibe!
The moon soon rose behind the deck of alto-cu. Meanwhile, this was the scene 180 degrees around – the alto-cu was under-lit by the the setting Sun! At 150mm (I didn’t bring my wide lenses!):
Soon the moon returned
Crop of above image (at 600mm):
I then noticed the Moon was ‘playing nicely’ with the alto-cu and I was feeling creative! I rather liked the blown out Moon as a contrast to the texture of the alto-cu!
450mm, 1/200s:
I was noticing some colour in the alto-cu as it was illuminated by the Moon – iridescence cased by water droplets of just the correct size. The show was on!! 400mm:
273mm, 1/25s:
These colours were all visible to the naked eye! 150mm, 1/25s:
213mm, 1/50s:
600mm, 1/400s
500mm, 1/80s:
191mm, 1/13s:
600mm, 1/50s:
600mm, 1/50s
150,mm, 1/15s:
150. 1/6s:
150, 1/8s:
165, 1/13s:
Lotsa fun!!