Air Canada Center, Toronto, summer of 2010 (I know I used 2009 on these during post-processing – they’re still my shots! 8^D),
This was the infamous Joe-knocks-Steve-into-the Crowd show that TMZ was all over (I do think it was semi deliberate on Joe’s part and Steve’s first words after the spill was “You’ll pay for that one Brother!”). Fans caught Steve and he was fine, and there was some real tension for a few songs – but you’ll see how things ended up.
Much better set list than when I had seen them at Bayfest a few years earlier, but still a little heavy on the 90’s hits for my tastes. I don’t mind them doing the older stuff and they play them well, I just wanna hear the old gems. Maybe they should consider a longer set, like some other bands do these days.
Kicked off hard and glam with “Train Kept a Rolling”. They were (apparently) sober and tight (much the opposite of when I saw the at the Toronto World Music Festival in 1979! Funny, there wasn’t “World” music at that show!)!
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Berklee Music Grad Brad Whitford, Joe, and bassist Tom Hamilton – The String Section!
Joe on a 10 string BC Rich Bich!
Brad, old Les Paul, and Steve:
Steve at full volume – no, not the National Anthrem!
Guess which 1997 hit this was!
Steve had started to forget the fall into the crowd at this point and really seems to enjoy the rest of the show:
OK so there won’t be an old style punch up after all…
All’s well!
Joey Kramer sans sticks during his drum solo – with blacklight and glowing top:
Joe on lap-steel during “Ragdoll”:
Joe and his custome Gibson 335 with his wife Billie’s image on the front.
Joe Perry is rock and roll:
And this was the best I have seen them to date.
Nice Cherry Red Gibson SG with p90 pickups. Joe really uses a mix of guitars, and is equally at home on Fenders or Gibsons or some odd-ball!
Opening part of “Sweet Emotion”, with Joe on Voice Box (same as Joe Walsh and Peter Frampton used), and a great example of a Joe parts-caster (body of a leftie Strat, Hot Rail humbucking pickups, and a leftie Telecaster neck – upside-down and strung right, of ‘whatever’ vintage). The Red lighting set the mood too!
Steve having fun!
Theremin solo!!!
Holding down the fort!
Nice Dan Armstrong Plexiglass guitar (these are pretty heavy IIRC) – Draw the Line!
Is Joe f’n Perry having a 70’s flashback?
The general milleau, hand held with a relatively long exposure:
On to the Encores:
Working the crowd – and Joe on a Fender-made Squire, of all things!
Could they be Oprah’s? Dunno, but Steve IS singing to them, LOL!
Mr Tyler is certainly a rock-n-roll original!
Classic Toxic Twins (but non-toxic)!
Glad to see them still going strong!!
Great show and I would recommend seeing them – though I wish the could do a longer set like Rush, and cover off more of the old gems.